The final few days of project were bittersweet. While I think we are all ready and excited for the shed to be complete and finally fully functional, it is sad that project is coming to an end. The last few days were quite busy as we needed to finish before the end of project. We rushed to Lowe's a couple of times the last few days to pick up more wood for trim, more screws (I'm pretty sure we are way over 2,000 screws used at this point), and hinges for the door and windows. After this, we painted all the trim asparagus green (as seen in the picture below), and put the trim all around the windows after being cut. We also put the green trim on the back of the shed, which was actually very time consuming and difficult to work that high in the air for so long, and then finally put the windows on hinges and put them all in place. The shed is now totally complete (although in the picture the shed doesn't have a door), except for the fact the roof does not have shingles yet. The reason for this was that Wyatt's dad could not find the exact shingles he wanted for the roof yet, so when he orders them and they come in over the summer, we are all going to go back one final time and finish the shed! It was a great project, and was really a great feeling when we finished everything we possibly could have (also relieving that no one every got seriously hurt!).
What you should do
# 1. Post a blog 3 times a week (M, W & F) of at least 200 words. In your blogs you could:
-describe something you learned
-explain something that surprised you
-give an update about stuff you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem
-tell a cool story
Also include images, sounds or video from your project.
# 2. Respond thoughtfully to another blogger's posts on this site. Post 1 of these response-blogs per week (200 or more words each).
Each of you is expected to contribute to this blog--even if you're working with another student or with a group.
I'm really looking forward to following your project via your postings! Have fun!
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