I was on my own today at Luna. Kasey wasn't feeling well, so it was just me. I knew what I had to do today coming into it, which was nice. I was told that we needed a total of 7 batches of buttercream frosting on Monday. So I made 2 batches on Tuesday and 2 more today. There are only 5 ingredients to buttercream so it is relatively easy. The most difficult and time consuming part of the recipe is separating egg whites from the yolks. I had to separate over 100 eggs in order to have enough for the two batches I made today and the 3 that I have to make tomorrow. It took me forever and it was actually kind of stressful, because I kept getting egg shells in the egg whites.
After about an hour and a half of separating eggs I scaled out the ingredients for 2 batches of buttercream and I started my first batch. While I let the egg whites and the sugar sit over a double boiler I got to decorate cookies! I loved decorating the cookies because it's fun to combine baking and art. I finished my first batch and then I got to take my lunch break.
Once I got back from lunch I started on my second batch and decorated lady bug cookies while I waited. After this I made the batter for rum cake. The best part about this recipe was that I made it for a regular size, not times 6 or 8. It was kind of like baking at home, because I used a smaller mixer and a regular sized bundt pan for the cake. Once I was done with this my day was finished. I was surprised that I technically did so few things today and it took up my entire day. I think that if I didn't have to separate all those eggs I would have been able to accomplish a lot more tasks today.
What you should do
# 1. Post a blog 3 times a week (M, W & F) of at least 200 words. In your blogs you could:
-describe something you learned
-explain something that surprised you
-give an update about stuff you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem
-tell a cool story
Also include images, sounds or video from your project.
# 2. Respond thoughtfully to another blogger's posts on this site. Post 1 of these response-blogs per week (200 or more words each).
Each of you is expected to contribute to this blog--even if you're working with another student or with a group.
I'm really looking forward to following your project via your postings! Have fun!
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