These last few days have been much more productive than we ever could have imagined. We decided to work Monday since we thought we were behind schedule, so on Monday and Tuesday Eric and I stained the 12 boards which we are using for the wall. While this does not seem too difficult, it proved to be much harder, dirtier, and longer than anticipated. We spent hours in the humid and hot garage making sure every spot was stained, and in the process got some stain on our clothing and skin (some of which still hasn't come off completely on my feet no matter how hard I try to scrub it off). While Eric and I were doing this staining, Wyatt and Zach were cleaning up around the shed, cutting off some extra wood pieces, and created an overhang on the shed. The rest of Tuesday and beginning of today consisted of placing the 12 sheets of siding up on the shed, which is much harder than it sounds because we had to cut out the windows and doors in the exact spots. After finally getting them all up, we then started to make the roof. The day ended in us finishing all 12 rafters for the roof, and tomorrow we will begin to put them up. The picture below shows the shed with the siding on the back of the shed, and shows the overhangs which we created. The black panels on the ground is the siding.
What you should do
# 1. Post a blog 3 times a week (M, W & F) of at least 200 words. In your blogs you could:
-describe something you learned
-explain something that surprised you
-give an update about stuff you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem
-tell a cool story
Also include images, sounds or video from your project.
# 2. Respond thoughtfully to another blogger's posts on this site. Post 1 of these response-blogs per week (200 or more words each).
Each of you is expected to contribute to this blog--even if you're working with another student or with a group.
I'm really looking forward to following your project via your postings! Have fun!
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